Set in a semi-arid desert in the western section of the Samburu National Reserve, Samburu Intrepids offers a green oasis on the banks of the Uaso Nyiro...
Set in the legendary Masai Mara National Reserve beneath a grove of towering and shady trees, Sand River Masai Mara overlooks its namesake, the Sand...
Saruni Mara is located in a private conservancy bordering the Masai Mara National Reserve and is an ideal base from which to witness the annual migration...
Situated in a picturesque forest at the border of the Lemek and Mara North private conservancies, this Hemingway-style tented camp is a tranquil bush...
Satao Elerai Camp is an exclusive and eco-friendly game lodge set on a 5 000-acre private conservation area on the border of Amboseli National Park....
At 2 000m above sea level and surrounded by emerald jungle that reverberates with the cries of Sykes' monkeys and is home to blue cranes, white-tailed...
Sirikoi Lodge is a luxury safari camp nestled in the beautiful plains of Lewa Wildife Conservancy. The lodge is located on private land and open to the...
Located between Mount Kenya and the Aberdare Mountains in Kenya, Solio Lodge is a small and intimate camp with only six rooms. Offering a stylish and...
Located on the plains below Mount Kenya, in the centre of the Ol Pejeta Conservancy, Sweetwaters Serena Camp is a sheltered, luxury safari camp that will...